Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Two weeks ago Hazel was born, first daughter to my younger sister. I have been obsessed with coincidences, those most ephemeral twins of the accidental. Reality that distinguishes itself by its own symmetry. That is, I don't have to scratch to find it hidden underneath. Reality that has no cause, so I don't have to give it consequence either. It still disturbs me. The primitive musicality of synchronicity. Well there we are on the theme of failure again. It's the Synchronicity as non causal relation of Carl Jung I'm refering to, a concept that emerged from Jungs failed attempt to establish alternative scientific paradigma for psychology in his debate with Freud. Dear Hazel, the colours and smells your name calls up make it a good omen. Perhaps the one coincidence that will allow me to let go of my own struggle to control these closely timed echos. A complicated verbal construction huh! Does a struggle end when one lets go of it? Is it for better or for worse, the killing of a controlfreak? But what's the big deal, one Hazel and one Hazel, make ... a disturbence so insignificant, that pointing it out ...
Well let me point out that I interrupt myself here.

1 comment:

echochamber said...

la coïncidence exagérée... you discribe it very very beautifully... do we have to open up our minds to recieve it? does everyone experience it? i did once in a very radical way. i'm a believer.

wittgenstein said "the solution of the problem of life shows itself by the disappearence of it" (tractatus logico philosophicus 6.521). is it the same with the struggle?

one and one make even more one, i think.